Writing an admission essay
5Th Grade Essay Writing Samples
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Security - Essay Example Administering and supporting these sorts of activities in a functioning situation is surely an overwhelming weight for human services suppliers. These principles are in some since medicinal services suppliers are similarly dedicated to apportioning however much assets as could reasonably be expected to and focusing on the nature of care given to patients. Making an interpretation of these capacities into a helpful and effective security and consistence activity is troublesome (Kibbe, 2005). Second, I can't help contradicting their case that all application-to-database gets to by any human services proficient are logged naturally. For a human services association to appreciate programmed logging of utilization to database gets to by specialists, medical caretakers, lab professionals, and executives, it needs to utilize extra security and character the executives arrangements. Lamentably, HITECH doesn't cover these extra innovative arrangements despite the fact that HIPAA necessitates that all medicinal services suppliers do (Kibbe, 2005). At the point when clinical experts and other medicinal services experts inside a solitary social insurance association enter information openly into a safe database through an application-to-database get to, joins human services suppliers are approved to get to indistinguishable information from well. This methodology may dispense with excess desk work and lower regulatory weight, yet builds the danger of interruption by corrupt gatheri ngs in connected human services associations. Guaranteeing that relevant framework occasions, for example, booting and rebooting are logged is significant in light of the fact that designers need to help the protected passing on of these logs from the applications to overseers. Gets to made by medicinal services experts must be agreeable with guidelines forced over the entirety of the distinctive scaled and levels of human services arrangement and administrations. A portion of the guidelines present in the HITECH demonstration and HIPAA are muddled (Kibbe, 2005). In conclusion, I concur that specialists need brisk
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mark Bradford
Imprint Bradford was the craftsman that I investigated. His inventiveness was magnificent theoretical, getting my attention piece after piece. The specific work of art that I took a gander at was his â€Å"When We Ride†made in 2006. The media is a blend, which was made into a composition on canvas. The canvas was at its huge of 46 3/8 x 62 ? inches. This bit of craftsmanship is situated in the city of workmanship itself; Los Angeles, California. I accept this canvas montage recounts to an untold story through difference and cadence, light and shading, and surface. As a youngster Mark Bradford had known his mom and grandma to be makers. He called them makers on the grounds that as work title they were sewers. The capacity to make things, new things at that for individuals was the inspiration and procedure of making things. The complexity of the items utilized on the collection is peculiar in light of the fact that he simply utilized pieces that were lying around the house. The differentiation was the putting of textures close to an alternate shading and stream of the piece was in stunning. It made me consider beat that is some way or another missing yet never appears to discovers its own particular manner. The reality he put two distinct bits of texture close to one another will be another method of losing it and making example of not being cadenced with the remainder of the image. While tossing in the light and shade of the collection you begin to improve an image and scene of what the craftsman is attempting to impart. I accept the brilliant hues are saying something to underscore on the significant pieces of the work of art. Demonstrating the movement, makes you move your eyes along the fanciful wave. The slight tone of yellow makes me think about the sun get through the wave. The delicate light of the grayish foundation makes me think about a light blue sky that is away from everything. Unclear hues made me gaze at the image for significant stretches of time with the goal that way I could comprehend why he made this on specifically. I thought perhaps like occasions when he got exhausted and went to the exhibition hall; he made a scene of his transport ride there. Possibly he envisions himself at a sea shore and what it resembles to sit and watch somebody ride a wave. I can’t even envision what the surface of this piece feels like. Smooth with unpleasant uneven edges going down the side. The yellow on the canvas appears as though it was painted on in light of the fact that it is so delicate in surface and swoon. The red wave appears as though it would be frailly and delicate. The canvas is smooth which makes this deception that fine art is to some degree is three dimensional. Silk and cotton would be of the numerous textures on this work of art. Imprint Bradford utilized whatever was accessible for him to utilize in light of the fact that he utilized the pieces from garments that were being made. Being visually impaired collapsed and having the option to rub your fingers over the piece would give the feeling of what a blend of arbitrary surfaces would feel like all together. All things considered, Mark Bradford worked admirably of making a magnum opus out of junk. I am not that innovative to make any work of art out of scraps that could have been discarded. Credit to him and I figure he should instruct a class on how you can utilize your creative mind and whatever materials you have accessible to use to make craftsmanship. Workmanship has a wide range of methods of being seen, yet to really comprehend and value it is taking it to an entire another level. Mr. Bradford demonstrated surface, difference and beat, and light and shading across the board piece, yet indicating numerous different standards of workmanship that could be broke down.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
2016 Wait Listed Freshman - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
2016 Wait Listed Freshman - UGA Undergraduate Admissions 2016 Wait Listed Freshman We plan to make the final wave of freshman decisions available late afternoon today, March 18th. For some students, you will be offered a place on our wait list. Every year our office has to predict approximately how many students we can admit in order to enroll our freshman class, but we can never be sure how many students will enroll until after the May 1 commitment deposit deadline has passed. If the number of students who say they will be attending UGA is lower than we expect, we may need to go to our wait list group in order to get the size that we want for our freshman class. This year we have roughly 700 students on the wait list. We carefully monitor the deposits coming into the University to see where we are in comparison to the predicted freshman numbers. For those of you who have been wait-listed, here is a chance for you to comment. Please remember that this is not a blog where you should post statistics or throw fellow classmates under the bus. These types of comments will be deleted. The Wait List FAQ can answer some questions, but the most important thing you need to do is decide if you want to remain on the wait list. Follow the instructions on the status check or wait list letter we mailed to let us know if you want to stay on the wait list or if you want to decline this option and move forward with admission at another college. If you decide to stay on the wait list, you should still move forward with an alternate college plan as we will not know about any wait list options until May at the earliest. If you select to stay on the wait list, we will know that you still want to attend UGA if an opportunity opens up. The key word in wait list is wait as this is not a quick process. So please be prepared to wait. There are three options for the wait list reply. You can say no, please do not consider me for the wait list. The next option is to remain on the wait list, but only if it is for the Fall term. The third option is to remain on the wait list and be considered for both Fall and Spring terms. This is so that if there is space available for the Fall term, we will look at all of the students who have asked to remain on the wait list. If the only space available is for Spring term, we will only look at students who said Fall or Spring. Once you select an option, you cannot change it so be sure to think about your decision before you make your selection. We will not know details about the wait list until after May 15, and it may be well after that. Please be patient with our office and read the FAQ before asking questions as it can give you a great deal of information. If you do not feel like you can wait until mid-May through mid-June for a decision, it may be that the wait list option is not for you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Descartes Proof of the Existence of God in Meditation...
Descartes Proof of the Existence of God in Meditation Three This paper is intended to explain and evaluate Descartes proof for the existence of god in Meditation Three. It shall show the weaknesses in the proof, but also give credit to the strengths in his proof. It will give a background of what Descartes has already accepted as what he truly knows. The paper will also state Descartes two major points for the existence of God and why the points can easily be proven false. The paper will also show that if a God does exist that God can in fact be an evil deceiver. The paper will also show that the idea of a perfect being cannot be conceived by an imperfect being. Descartes starts the meditation by saying what he has already†¦show more content†¦Considering this statement a God could very well exist as a creator, but Descartes states that God is a perfect being and further describes God as follows, I conceive a supreme God, eternal, infinite, immutable, omnipotent, an the universal creator of all things that exist outside of himself. (39 lines 8-11 Descartes, Lafleur) Although this statement does reflect that God is a creator, it also states that God is eternal, infinite, immutable, and omnipotent. Someone cant assume that because you are a creator you are also eternal, infinite, immutable, and omnipotent. Is that to say if you can create life you are also eternal, infinite, immutable, and omnipotent. Furthermore an argument can be made that if something cannot come from nothing, then what or who made God? Descartes tries to answer this question by saying that God created himself, but wouldnt this in fact prove that spontaneous generation can happen leading to the fact that something can come from nothing thus negating the existence of God. Descartes claims that God is all-powerful and completely good, yet gives no proof that God is good. If of course Descartes belief is accepted. You assume that God does exist and that he is all powerful and that the idea of a perfect being does exist only because God put that idea there, then what is to say God is not an evil deceiver who can put any thought that God wishes you to think insideShow MoreRelatedDescartes s Theory Of God1490 Words  | 6 PagesWithin his work, Descartes presents the causal argument, in which he demonstrates the idea that God must exist because everything with an affect must have a cause . This is one approach that Descartes uses to show the proof of God. By the end of meditation two, following onto meditation three Descartes concludes that we as humans are considered as a ‘res cognitas’ in which we are recognised as a thinking thing. However due to humans being known as the ‘res cognitas’ that means God is the ‘perfectRead MoreA Brief Look at Rene Descartes829 Words  | 3 Pages Rene Descartes was a brilliant man who came up with many inventions and thoughts to put in people’s minds and let them ponder off and question life in itself. In one of the many things Rene Descartes created, he wrote a book called Discourse on the Method and Meditations. Descartes discusses how there are two main proofs of God’s existence, the casual argument in meditation three and the ontological argument in meditation five. There are a few differences between these two meditations and one isRead MoreDescartes First Meditation On The Existence Of God1320 Words  | 6 PagesMinglai Dong Descartes Third Meditation: Recommended Topic 2 Descartes’ third meditation on First Philosophy is all about the existence of God. There are many things that Descartes talks about in this meditation. His intentions are to create a set of proofs or arguments that will irrefutably prove God’s existence. He already believes that God exists but he is mainly trying to dispute the reasons why God might not exist or how God may be a deceiver. 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Renà © Descartes’ epistemological contribution to western philosophy attempted to inaugurate a coherent method of questioning whereby knowledge of the world is attained independentlyRead MoreThe Theory Of God s The Same Meditation 1533 Words  | 7 PagesHis argument that God exists are mainly focused explicitly on Mediation three and five. In Mediation three, he says: â€Å"I must inquire whether there is a God [for if there is}, I must examine likewise whether he can be a deceiver†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He points out that God may be a deceiver, but has no foundational basis to prove that. But when he introduced the evil genius superior earlier in his Meditation one, he said that figure may also be tricking him into thinking God exists, and thus deceiving him. The evil geniusRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1264 Words  | 6 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy is a first-person record of Descartes’ descent into the bowels of disbelief, in order to eradicate all flawed belief from his life. In his first meditation, Descartes explains his argument for universal doubt, which leads him to doubt every truth he has ever established. Even the veracity of his sense perception is doubtful, as he renders those perceptions useless by arguing that in dreams, sense perceptions create the wildest of fantasies that cannot beRead MoreDescartes Fourth Meditation On The Existence Of God1382 Words  | 6 PagesIn Descartes’ Fifth Meditation, he delivers an argument that has come to be known as the Ontological Argument. It is here that Descartes argues for the existence of God, through a pri ori reasoning. In order to understand both the strengths and weakness of this argument, I will first break it down into its main premises. From here, I will argue that despite the simplicity and use of reasoning in the argument, the weaknesses outweigh the strengths, and ultimately that the argument fails. To allow forRead MoreAnalyzing the Surprise Ending in Descartes Discourse on the Method and the Meditations1051 Words  | 4 PagesSurprise Ending in Descartes In the book Discourses on the Method and the Meditations, author Rene Descartes famously questions the existence of humanity. His most famous quotation, the one for whom he is most remembered is I think therefore I am (Descartes 11). According to this idea, so long as a being has the ability to think then they existed. Animals have brains and therefore they must exist. In order to truly, exist, to be a thinking entity, a person or organism must utilize the abilityRead More Descartes1226 Words  | 5 Pages The next stage in the system, as outlined in the Meditations, seeks to establish that God exists. In his writings, Descartes made use of three principal arguments. The first (at least in the order of presentation in the Meditations) is a causal argument. While its fullest statement is in Meditation III, it is also found in the Discourse (Part IV) and in the Principles (Part I  §Ã‚ § 17–18). The argument begins by examining the thoughts contained in the mind, distinguish ing between the formal reality
Monday, May 11, 2020
management functions - 2151 Words
MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS The functions of management uniquely describe managers jobs. The most commonly cited functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, although some identify additional functions. The functions of management define the process of management as distinct from accounting, finance, marketing, and other business functions. These functions provide a useful way of classifying information about management, and most basic management texts since the 1950s have been organized around a functional framework. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT Henri Fayol was the first person to identify elements or functions of management in his classic 1916 book Administration Industrielle et†¦show more content†¦Mintzberg argued that the functional or process school of management was folklore and that functions of management such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling did not accurately depict the chaotic nature of managerial work. He felt that the functional approach to the managerial job falsely conveyed a sense that managers carefully and deliberately evaluated information before making management decisions. Based upon an observational study of five executives, Mintzberg concluded that the work managers actually performed could best be represented by three sets of roles, or activities: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decision-making roles. He described the interpersonal roles as consisting of figurehead, leader, and liaison. He identified three informational roles: monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. Finally, he described four decision-making roles that included entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. Mintzberg s challenge to the usefulness of the functions of management and the process school attracted a tremendous amount of attention and generated several empirical studies designed to determine whether his or Fayol s description of the managerial job was most accurate. While this research did indicate that managers performed at least some of the roles Mintzberg identified, there was little in the findings that suggested that the functions of management were not aShow MoreRelatedManagement Functions And Functions Of Management1304 Words  | 6 Pages Essay Management is viewed as a critical part in any business or corporate commercial enterprises. Group assignments provide a useful platform for understanding the management functions that consist of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (POLC). I totally do agree with this statement. Management of groups is actually the key to all of these P-O-L-C functions. Any management can accomplish and succeed objectives through the organizing execution of these four functions (123helpme.comRead MoreManagement Functions And Functions Of Management Essay1529 Words  | 7 PagesAssessing Management Functions List the four functions of management and provide an overview of their purpose for the organization. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The planning function establishes a way to attain the desired objectives, resolve issues and facilitate action. The purpose of the planning function is to align the vision, culture, employees and the organizational structure with the strategies, and this involves multiple levels acrossRead MoreManagement Functions And Functions Of Management860 Words  | 4 Pages Essay Management is viewed as a critical part in any business or corporate commercial enterprises. Group assignments provide a useful platform for understanding the management functions that consist of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (POLC). I totally do agree with this statement. Management of groups is actually the key to all of these P-O-L-C functions. Any management can accomplish and succeed objectives through the organizing execution of these four functions (123helpme.comRead MoreFunctions And Functions Of Management1113 Words  | 5 Pagesprimary functions involving management, which are considered the very life line and it’s existent. These four functions are instrumental and detrimental to the success and longevity of any company. Without these vital staples, a company is doomed before it is birth, and they are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. However, there is another essential component to the functions of management, and it is the importan t of diversity. In this paper I will identify the detailed function of theseRead MoreManagement Functions And Functions Of Management812 Words  | 4 Pagesinclude problem solving, facilitating meetings, and many other routine office tasks. Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. Good managers do those things both effectively and efficiently. (Bateman Snell, 2004) However many of these tasks should not be duplicated by a group of individuals. Different people can take on parts of the management function. Someone on a team can take care of the planning, while another person does the budgetingRead MoreFunctions And Functions Of Management Functions995 Words  | 4 PagesManagement functions are defined as â€Å"the ways that managers are grouped within an organisation to achieve specialist tasks†and refer to specific areas of practice that involve only a small group of managers who, usually, need particular training or experience and belong to relevant professional organisations. There are five major functions in most organisations known as â€Å"big five†(Smith, 2011): marketing, concerned with promoting and distributing products; operations, which involves the transformationRead MoreFunctions And Functions Of Management1119 Words  | 5 PagesUnderstand the role, functions and processes of management Management is the act of engaging with an organisation s human talent and using the physical resources at a manager s disposal to accomplish desired goals and objectives (set by the stakeholders of the organisation) efficiently and effectively. Management comprises of planning, organising, staffing, leading, directing, and controlling an organisation (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishingRead MoreManagement Functions And Functions Of Management1823 Words  | 8 Pagesuse of available resources. A manager performs the basic functions of management, which are planning, controlling, organising, staffing and leading to accomplish the goals of the organisation (Drucker Maciariello, 2008). Organisational performance is largely dependent on the quality of leadership established by the managers. A manager has particular leadership qualities that make them effective in execution of their duties. Management refers to the process of coordinating the activities of aRead MoreManagement And Functions Of Management1063 Words  | 5 PagesManagement in business and associations is the capacity that facilitates the endeavors of individuals to achieve objectives and targets utilizing accessible assets proficiently and adequately. Management includes planning, arranging, staffing, heading or steering, and controlling an association to achieve the objective. Resourcing includes the arrangement and control of human assets, budgetary assets, innovative assets, and regular assets. Administration is additionally a scholarly teach, a socialRead MoreManagement Functions1016 Words  | 5 PagesManagement Functions Contents Page Introduction 1 Forecasting 2 Planning 3 Organisation 4 Control 5 Co-ordination 6 Communication 7 Motivation 8 Conclusion 9 References 10 Introduction Henri Fayol was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management. His career began as a mining engineer, later moving into research geology for Comambault. The company was struggling however, Fayol
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cybercrime Computer Crime Research Center Free Essays
string(53) " variation of network data so as to obtain benefits\." The internet has increasingly become a convenient avenue for commitments of crimes in the ever sophisticated information age. This is due to the defining characteristics of the online world where one can interact without physical contact. A computer consultant in Utah was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing 2 million dollars from a credit company where he worked (Computer Crime Research Center). We will write a custom essay sample on Cybercrime Computer Crime Research Center or any similar topic only for you Order Now In another incident, Jeffrey Lee Parson who pleaded guilty to charges of unleashing part of a worm that caused chaos in the internet in 2003 got off with 18 to 37 months in jail (Computer Crime Research Center) In most cases of cybercrime, the punishment does not fit the crime. The damages by computer users in the hands of cybercrime offenders are very real and so the penalties should also be as real. This paper will attempt to discuss and draw more light on this issue. This paper will attempt to discuss and draw more light on the issue of cybercrimes and some of the proposed solutions that have been suggested to counter the cyberterrorism. Problem Definition According to the Computer Crime Research Center, the penalty for illegally accessing a computer ranges from 6 months to 5 years. The penalty for illegal system access ranges from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. Communication interception, offensive material dissemination and telecommunication piracy crimes carry punishment of 1 to 5 years. Individuals who hack computer and computer devices get an imprisonment of up to 3 years or a fine (Computer Crime Research Center. An act of trying to gain access to a government protected system, results in a 10 year imprisonment and a heavy fine. Over the years this penalties have been made more severe, but the question still remains on whether they are still too lenient (Computer Crime Research Center). Cybercrime is the criminal exploitation of the internet. According to research carried out by the National Computer Security Association (NCSA) in 1996 two out of three U. S. companies were affected greatly by viruses. 3-5 billion dollar losses were incurred in the United States annually in the late 1980s as a result of computer abuse. With advancement in technology, newer and more complicated crimes have emerged which usually go unprosecuted. Cybercrime can be categorized into violent or potentially violent criminals, and nonviolent crimes (Shinder Cross, 15). Types of violent or potentially violent crimes include: Cyber stalking, cyber terrorism, and child pornography. Cyber terrorism refers to deliberate politically motivated violence committed against innocent people by individuals, group(s) of people through computer networks. It involves use of the internet to convey information to be used in violent activities as well as recruiting members to terrorist groups through Web sites. In extreme cases, it could include interrupting computer systems used in air traffic control to cause planes to crash or collide; sabotaging the computer system controlling water treatment so as to cause contamination of water supplies. It also includes hacking into hospital database and deleting or changing information that could result in incorrect or dangerous treatment of patients (Shinder Cross, 15). Cyber stalking is a form of electronic harassment which involves implied physical threats which create fear in the victim. It mostly targets people in a certain race, gender, religion or social status. Paparazzi use the internet to stalk celebrities and get unauthorized access to confidential information on them in order to blackmail them. People from a particular race are harassed by distribution of hate e-mails through the internet; this often occurs in chat rooms and news groups. Child pornography becomes a cyber crime when computers and networks are used to create, distribute and access pornographic materials that use minor children. Child pornography is considered a violent crime because sexual abuse is practiced in order to produce pornographic materials. Any related activity to enhance child pornography is considered to be a crime. Pedophiles use the internet to distribute and access pornographic material involving children through the internet (Shinder Cross, 15). Most cyber crimes are nonviolent offenses. The perceived anonymity of virtual experiences is one of the elements that make cyberspace an attractive â€Å"venue†to commit crimes. Nonviolent cyber crimes include: cyber trespass, cyber theft, cyber fraud, destructive cyber crimes and other cyber crimes. Cyber trespass refers to accessing of a computer’s or networks resources without authorization just for the fun of it. The individual may not damage or misuse the data; nonetheless, cyber trespass is a crime in most jurisdictions. Most of these cases are dismissed by law enforcers because no damage is done (Shinder Cross, 18). Copyright infringement is another method of nonviolent cyber crime. This is unauthorized use of works covered by copyright law, in such a way that it violates the owner’s exclusive rights. These rights include; the right to reproduce the work. For electronic media copyright infringement is also referred to as piracy. Piracy is mainly done for music and film works, where cyber criminals hack into entertainment websites and download original works. They then, create copies which they sell as their own (Shinder Cross, 19). Cyber theft is the use of a computer and network to steal money, information or other valuables. It is one of the most popular cyber crimes; this is because stealing from a distance reduces the risk of getting caught. Cyber theft includes embezzlement; an example is where an employee may use his/her legitimate access to a company’s computerized payroll system to change the data so as to move funds out of a company bank into his own account. A person may also gain unlawful access to an organization’s information and misappropriate funds. Another example of cyber theft is industrial espionage, where a person from outside the company uses the network to steal trade secrets and marketing strategies for competitors (Shinder Cross, 19). Plagiarism is another case cyber theft. Plagiarism is stealing of someone’s original writing and then passing it off as your own. Cyber fraud on the other hand is the variation of network data so as to obtain benefits. You read "Cybercrime Computer Crime Research Center" in category "Free Research Paper Samples" An example is when one hacks into the police database so as to remove arrest records. Destructive cyber crimes include: electronically vandalizing web pages, hacking into a system and deleting data, introducing worms, viruses or other malicious codes into a computer system or network (Shinder Cross, 21). Viruses, worms and malicious codes cause damages worth millions of dollars (Shinder Cross, 23). Virus writers and hackers are highly active and continuously creating and modifying new viruses, making it difficult for antivirus software to detect them. Other nonviolent cyber crimes include: soliciting prostitution over the internet, gambling through the internet, internet drug sales and other contraband goods that are banned in some countries (Shinder Cross, 24). An important question arises on how these crimes can be prevented. Approaches to Counter Cybercriminals Use of antivirus and anti spyware software is one of the solutions which are currently in use. The antivirus software contains a program that attempt to identify and eliminate viruses, worms and other malicious codes. Backdoor programs and Trojans are restricted by the anti spy wares. Firewalls are also other effective ways of preventing unauthorized access to a computer network. Network firewalls may be software programs, hardware devices or a combination of both. The firewall protects internal computer networks from outside access by malicious intruders (Shinder Cross, 532). Cryptography is another very effective method of dealing with cyber crime. Cryptography is the science of encrypting and decrypting information. This is where, when one is sending information through the internet, software decrypts the information and encodes it. The information is sent in coded form which can only be decoded by the recipient who has the decoding software. This is a very effective method that crackers find hard to hack (Shinder Cross, 512). Awareness can also be raised on the issue of cyber crime. Youths are increasingly getting drawn into cyber crime because most of them are not aware of its legal consequences. This can be done through informative advertisements on the internet which will attempt to inform them on the dangers of cyber crime. People should also be encouraged to report cyber criminals to authorities through links on the web, so as to use the internet as a weapon against cyber crime perpetrators (Shinder Cross, 551). Cyber ethics and laws are being formulated to combat cyber crime. It is the responsibility of service providers to provide high level of security to their clients so as to keep them safe from malicious programs. Laws have been passed over the years which have attempted to curb the problem of cyber crime. One of the most effective laws which were passed in the USA is the USA Patriot Act which increases penalties and allows the prosecution of individuals who intend to cause damage. It was pushed through the U. S Senate after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. This law gives authority over monitoring personal communications and private information (Shinder Cross, 10). In August 2007 President Bush, signed into law Patriot II Act. This act gives authority to the government to: conduct domestic wiretaps without a court order for 15 days after an attack on the country or congressional authorization, access citizen credit reports with a subpoena and criminalize use of encryption software that was used in planning of a felony. This act was put in place to address the shortcomings of the law that don’t deal with modern technology (Shinder Cross, 10). In USA it is a federal crime to advertise or knowingly receive child pornography. The child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) expanded the definition of child pornography to any visual depiction of sexually explicit behavior in which the production involved the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct. This has made it illegal to distribute and access child pornography on the internet (Shinder Cross, 16). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has also developed a cyber program to deal with cyber threats. Over the years, the FBI has developed a Cyber Division whose main goal is to address cyber crime. It has employed the use of highly specialiazed personnel made up of agents and analyst who are able to identify cyber crimes. They have also employed the use of state-of-the-art-technology and resources to deal with this menace. Partnerships have also been developed with the Department of Defense and Homeland Security which enable them to share information on cyber crime. The Cyber Crime Treaty: Preferred Approach It has become clear that a well-developed network of international cooperation is required to fight cyber crime, due to its ever changing nature. I think an international Cyber crime treaty is the best solution. Many countries have united their anti- cybercrime efforts through a proposed treaty known as the â€Å"Convention on Cyber crime†. Australia, Canada, Japan, USA and 43 member nations in the Council of Europe were involved in the drafting process. The Cyber crime Treaty is an internationally accepted law, which has made it easier to get help and evidence from other countries to prosecute foreign nationals within the country (Shinder Cross, 548). The treaty has three features, whose target is to set basic cyber law standards for all nations. First, it requires all nations to outlaw unauthorized usage of protected computer; the usage of a computer to commit fraud, computer infringement (piracy), distribution of child pornography or terrorism. Secondly, it is a requirement to standardize procedures used to capture and retrieve information online. There is also need to capture the origin and time of all traffic on all networks. Thirdly, national governments are required to cooperate and share electronic evidence across boarders. This is the most effective means by which cyber criminals can be deterred as they won’t find refuge in any country (Shinder Cross, 548). Conclusion Even though cyber crime is getting the recognition it deserves, it is not going to be curbed easily. It is actually more likely that perpetrators will continue upgrading and developing so as to stay ahead of the long arms of the law. It therefore becomes very important for governments and organizations to keep consulting and coming up with more advanced and updated methods of detecting and dealing with cyber crime, in order to curb this ever growing menace. Works Cited: Computer Crime Research Center. Legislation. Web: August 17, 2010 from, http://www. crime- research. org/legislation/ Shinder Debra L. Cross Michael. Scene of the cybercrime. Burlington, MA: Syngress Publishing, Inc, 2008 How to cite Cybercrime Computer Crime Research Center, Essays
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Speech(Context)Harold Holt was born on the 5th of Essays
Speech(Context)Harold Holt was born on the 5th of August 1908to the 17th of December 1967. Holt was an Australian politician and was the 17th Prime Minister of Australia. He was born in Stanmore, New South Wales. Holt was originally a solicitor, who studied at the University of Melbourne. During his time as a solicitor he joined the United Australia Party, which was part of the Liberal party. In 1935, aged just 27, he was elected for Fawkner, which is a safe seat in Parliament. Holt spent 32 years in Parliament, including many years as a senior Cabinet Minister. As Minister for Immigration in 1949 until 1956, Holt was responsible for the relaxation of the White Australia policy and was then Treasurer under Menzies. Holt then eventually became Prime Minister on the 26th of January1966, but on the morning of Sunday the 17th of December 1967, Holland his friends drove down from Melbourne to one of Holt's favourite swimming and snorkelling spots, Cheviot Beach on Point Nepean near Portse a, on the eastern arm of Port Phillip Bay. Even though the surf conditions were high and fierce, Holt decided to go swimming. Soon after he suddenly disappeared from view. Fearing the worst, the others raised the alert. A large number of police, Royal Australian Navy divers, Royal Australian Air Force helicopters, Army personnel from nearby Point Nepean and local volunteers gathered on the beach. This quickly escalated into one of the largest search operations in Australian history, but no trace of Holt could be found.(Theory 1)Suicide. The media speculated on the possibility that Holt took his own life, through looking at journalist, Ray Martin's documentary tiled, Who Killed Harold Holt?, which suggested that Holt might have committed suicide. The Bulletin magazine also featured a story supporting the suicide theory. In support of the view, The Bulletin quoted fellow cabinet minister Doug Anthony who spoke about Holt's depression shortly before his death. Though the suggestion of suicide was rejected by Holt's son Sam, as he believed his father was not mentally ill. (Theory 2)Drowned. On 23 October 2008, ABC Television broadcast the one-hour docudrama titled, The Prime Minister is Missing. This program covered much of the same ground as Martin's documentary, but rejected Martin's suggestion that Holt had committed suicide, stating that he was a vocal 'life affirmer'. The documentary focussed on Holt's medical history, saying that Holt was suffering from a shoulder injury and had been advised not to swim, which could have caused him to drown, with not being able to use his arms to swim.(Theory 3)In 1983, an alternative theory was advanced by writer Anthony Grey, who suggested that Holt had been a spy for the People's Republic of China. He also stated that a Chinese submarine had picked him up, which is why they couldn't find him.Out of the three theories, the most likely that were to occur would be that he drowned. His injured shoulder was a main factor, as h is arms wouldn't have been strong enough against the robust currents. An explanation for why they couldn't find him is that, they didn't search enough, as at that time the state of Victoria did not allow for long searches, and the search would have cost a lot of money to enforce.
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