Saturday, May 23, 2020
Descartes Proof of the Existence of God in Meditation...
Descartes Proof of the Existence of God in Meditation Three This paper is intended to explain and evaluate Descartes proof for the existence of god in Meditation Three. It shall show the weaknesses in the proof, but also give credit to the strengths in his proof. It will give a background of what Descartes has already accepted as what he truly knows. The paper will also state Descartes two major points for the existence of God and why the points can easily be proven false. The paper will also show that if a God does exist that God can in fact be an evil deceiver. The paper will also show that the idea of a perfect being cannot be conceived by an imperfect being. Descartes starts the meditation by saying what he has already†¦show more content†¦Considering this statement a God could very well exist as a creator, but Descartes states that God is a perfect being and further describes God as follows, I conceive a supreme God, eternal, infinite, immutable, omnipotent, an the universal creator of all things that exist outside of himself. (39 lines 8-11 Descartes, Lafleur) Although this statement does reflect that God is a creator, it also states that God is eternal, infinite, immutable, and omnipotent. Someone cant assume that because you are a creator you are also eternal, infinite, immutable, and omnipotent. Is that to say if you can create life you are also eternal, infinite, immutable, and omnipotent. Furthermore an argument can be made that if something cannot come from nothing, then what or who made God? Descartes tries to answer this question by saying that God created himself, but wouldnt this in fact prove that spontaneous generation can happen leading to the fact that something can come from nothing thus negating the existence of God. Descartes claims that God is all-powerful and completely good, yet gives no proof that God is good. If of course Descartes belief is accepted. You assume that God does exist and that he is all powerful and that the idea of a perfect being does exist only because God put that idea there, then what is to say God is not an evil deceiver who can put any thought that God wishes you to think insideShow MoreRelatedDescartes s Theory Of God1490 Words  | 6 PagesWithin his work, Descartes presents the causal argument, in which he demonstrates the idea that God must exist because everything with an affect must have a cause . This is one approach that Descartes uses to show the proof of God. 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